An experiential activation dome presented at Miami Super Bowl LIV - using dome projected content, volumetric animation, augmented reality and featuring the new Verizon 5G phones.
A 3 month Drive-in Movie Event that featured 10 different movies/animated preroll content and celebrity features. Used in 320 Walmart parking lots presentations across the United States during the Pandemic all for families to enjoy from their cars.
Directed by Tiny Bullet (Tina Bull) - 2023 Clio Award and 3 x Shortlisted at The One Show
directed by Jeff Zwart - Winner of 2018 Silver Cannes Lion
directed by Daniel Kleinman
Directed by Kevin Thomas
directed by Sam Cadman
directed by Christopher Quinn
directed by Cark Erik Rinch
directed by Andrew Douglas
animated by Will Barras/Bermuda Shorts